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Research Description


This figure summarizes our overarching goal that is enabled by oxide/oxinitride heteroepitaxy (using Laser MBE illustrated in the center) and the creation of single layer to superlattices, illustrated by the atomic resolution image in the left corner. Right corner, the pentagon shows various degrees of freedom of strongly correlated electrons in solids, which respond to external stimuli. These strong couplings lead to the emergent functions such as Mottronics, magnetoelectrics, topological electronics, and quantum computing. The inset to this shows the various fundamental degrees of freedom that can be accessed (adapted from Nat. Phys. 13. 1056 (2017)). The triangle shows physical phenomena that are of interest to my group.

Our work concerns fabricating novel, exotic and flexible materials at the atomic scale to improve the standards of our daily lives. In particular, we work on the synthesis, characterization, and utilization of advanced functional electronic and quantum materials. We achieve this precision by utilizing RHEED-assisted PLD (Reflection high energy electron diffraction assisted pulsed laser deposition) or called LASER MBE deposition. This allows the design and realization of next generation functional materials at atomic scale and their performance. Our work covers aspect of fabrication of these materials at the atomic scale and integrate them into the devices and study their physical performance (including spin manipulation, magnetic, ferroelectric, dielectric, electronic transport etc and make them freestanding membranes for flexible electronic application).

Within the broad area of correlated material’s thin film and their heterostructure we focus our research on three areas

Ferroelectric/multiferroic topology 

Single spin manipulation in quantum ferroelectrics for quantum application

Quantum phenomena in oxide/oxinitride thin films/heterostructures

Molecular Ferroelectrics: Fundamental to device

Antiperovskite based spintronics

Low loss Tunable capacitor

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